26 July 2011

Behold! The Puppet Museum

My girlfriend said this place was so creepy. But i think it's just dark. There's a lot of "dead figures" (puppets, masks, and dolls), stand with their loosely hands behind the glass wall, staring at you straight to the pupils, with their cold and empty eyes. And know what? The worst thing is their smiling (or grin?) but lifeless face. The Jakarta Puppet Museum.. err.. yeah, this place at least, will give you goosebump.


  1. enak nel buat pacaran. hehe. *tadi abis ketemu memet sama si chyka. si memet mau ngomporin pacar kamu biar kerja di jkt :P

  2. Itu yang bagian badut-badutan keueung gitu ya. Ah pengen ke museum2 di Jakarta!

    Iya komporin aja itu Btok, lagipula sekarang udah banyak temen buat jalan-jalan di sananya :p

  3. iya itu wayang dari perancis, emang paling serem sih. menyeringai2 gitu mukanya, kebayang film horror jadul tea.. hii

  4. memang serem.. tapi patut dikunjungi kalau ke jakarta!
